With hands-on experience in Python, PHP, and MySQL. My expertise lies in software development and database management, and I am passionate about leveraging technology to solve real-world problems.
PLV (para legal volunteer) Under DLSA (District legal service authority) ,chennai
In Madras High Court,chennai
B.Sc Information Technology
Guru Nanak college ,chennai-15
CGPA : 7.67
Higher education
G.V.C higher secondary school ,arcot.
percentage : 71%
Hours Worked
Project Finished
Coffee Drinked
Held in DLSA chennai.
held on 10.01.2025.
A meeting with the legal advisers and PLVs, conducted by the DLSA ,with the knowledge about powers of PLVs.
Held in DLSA chennai.
held on 01.02.2025.
Working with a team is always like piece of cake ,A team with knowledge of legal terms, under the DLSA chennai .